Sunday, March 29, 2015

Beautiful Spring! Big Sur wakes up

Big Sur wakes up!  The picture at left is the white Banksia rose in my front yard, festooned with blooms training to the ground from the top of the arch.  this picture was taken during the "white flower" ment, when it seems that every flower blooming is white.

Whether it's apple, pear, apricot, quince, or plum,
this year the trees are loaded with flowers, promising a huge crop of fruit later on.  the avocado trees are also making blossoms in profusion.

Lizards and salamanders are crawling to new positions, and once or twice the sounds of frogs have pointed out that spring is really here.

The birds are beginning to arrive.  At night the owls are quite vocal as they assert their territories and conduct mating rituals.  As the owls slowly fade out in the dawn, the doves call to one another.  Then, one by one, other birds begin their songs.

This is the opening of the "tapestry of song".  Within weeks, many types of birds will arrive and begin nesting.
This is the overlap of the northern and southern migration routes, so in nesting season the many songs converge and rebound off one another early and late in the day.

Flocks of small finches, robins, colored canaries, and many others join the woodpeckers and the jays.  The woodpeckers have already been busy for some time, rat-tat-tat-ing away at the acorns they have stored in the trunks of trees, as they sprout and become prime food.

There is already a pair of wood ducks on the pond, who glide away each morning when I walk by.
They have a nest, and I am pretty sure I know where it is, but I don't let on.

It's a great time to visit the back country.  Come on out and get some spiritual nourishment!

Get in touch with me about planning your time in nature.  Cal me at (831)667-2314 to schedule a time to plan your inspiring and refreshing time for renewal.

I'd love to get together and make new stuff happen!

Have a lovely day,


About Betty:
I have spent over forty years in the back country of Big Sur, gathering experience that I would love to share with you.
My service orientation drives my successful food distrubution business, and is key in the high quality of my fashion items, known for their originality and quality.  
I have served on various boards and community organizations for many years, including the school board that esatblished an independent school district in this are.  I currently serve on the Executive Committee of the Planning Process for the California Coastal Trail, Big Sur section.  In June of 2015 I will join the Big Sur Multi Agency Advisory Council as local representative.

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