Sunday, November 30, 2014

Now You See It, Now You don't

Have you ever felt like you were chasing a will'o'the-wisp?

That elusive light in the twilight that is said to hover over wetlands in the evening?  It moves around and changes color, much as meteors do.

It's like that when you are tuned in for inspiration.  It may or may not be visible at any given moment.

Perhaps a distant melody on the breeze, or a color that lights up something in your emotions, the changing nature of inspiration is mysterious and wonderful.  Even when the voices are silent and there is only a dark night, the memory of an inspired moment can make the day go more smoothly, ease the feelings, and make it easier to see the beauty of life.

It's really a matter of showing up, and waiting carefully with the respect and devotion that the Spirit deserves.  In its own good time the answer to your question will come, the light will break forth, and you will know.

May you feel inspired and nourished by the Spirit today, and always.
Visit to learn more about ways to experience the great teachings of nature.

I'd love to help you plan the ideal retreat for your needs. will help us get started.  

All the best,

The guardian oak at the top of the hill

The huge and ancient oak standing above the ridge road which leads to the back country retreat on 44 acres of private property

here in Mill Creek, where I live and work, is a symbol of all that is fantastic and wonderful about the south coast area of Big Sur.

This little-known wonderland is filled with micro-climates and habitats that are unique and vistas of unparallelled splendor.
You can have access to all of this wonderful area and still be comfortable at  
Big Sur Retreat Camp.

Privacy and relaxation in a rural setting will nourish your creative spirits and give you the the opportunity to really get some  great revitalizing energy.
The ranch house is near the campground and your hostess is always available to make things easier.

Modern communications facilities are right at hand, although your cell phones will not work here!  Many people like this.  If you DO need to get in touch, wireless access is right down the hill.

Visit to learn more about ways to experience the great teachings of nature.

I'd love to help you plan the ideal retreat for your needs. will help us get started.  

All the best,

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Grounding That Only Nature Can Give

"Oh, You who make easy what is difficult, make our way to be a garden, for it is to You that we go."...Rumi

When life sends you to so many places each day, with each place having a different set of rules and expectations for you, it can get pretty challenging to figure out just how to respond.

The vast flow of information can leave you feeling as if you are missing something, or you are somehow not able to see how to plow through it all.

That's when it's time to drop everything and let nature be your guide.
Only nature can let you know how to adapt to each and every situation with grace and ease.  Will you stand tall or bend in the wind?  Is this a situation that is best nurtured and given encouragement, or would it be better to prune it off and let fresh growth happen?  Or maybe it's just time to move to a different area of the garden.

If you are able to get out into nature on a regular basis you will find that you feel more grounded, more nourished, and that finding your way through life is a move meaningful experience.  We are meant to be given guidance by natural forces and see the beauty of life reflected through the vast array of forms.

Serenity is right there within you, waiting for you to arrive and feel the grounding that only nature can provide.

Visit to learn more about ways to experience the great teachings of nature.

I'd love to help you plan the ideal retreat for your needs. will help us get started.  

Best Wishes,


Redwood Trees by our hiking trail

These redwood trees are down the hill from the main area, and they show the effects of fire from five years ago.  It's part of the hiking trail, which also goes through madrone trees, pines, oak, and scrub habitat.

2014 will be a great time for retreats, since I will be adding new features for comfort and convenience, including hot showers and ready-to-sleep cabin tents.  

Less time for set-up for those who are coming from out of the area or have a large group, this will make it even better...More fun in the schedule!

This is the only back country retreat in Big Sur that has comfortable facilities.

Visit to learn more about ways to experience the great teachings of nature.

I'd love to help you plan the ideal retreat for your needs. will help us get started.  

All the best,

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Simplicity and Freedom

The simple thing is the good thing.
Life is most enjoyable in moments when simplicity is felt within, and there doesn't seem to be too much to do.

How often is it simple?  The truth is that it is always simple, but the human tendency is to create ways to complicate and "fill the space".

Do you ever "hide" from your own world?

Tasks, messages, responsibilities: all a necessary part of being a part of the modern life, these can stack up and create a feeling of being trapped in our own connectedness, the opposite of the natural human desire for company and communication.  At times like that the quality of life seems to diminish.
There are ways to get more simple every day, and create a life that has room for YOU in it.

It takes a bit of time to get simple, but it's worth it since it will save you tons more time.

What are the things you actually need to do?  That make you and your family safe, prosperous, and enjoying your lives?   How can you make these the center and move what is not essential away from you?  Focus on what is essential and remove everything else, and what is there?  Time for you, right?

Is this group of concerns the same as what you are telling yourself you have to do, or is there a big difference?  Are you doing what you WANT to do, or what you think you should want? 

You can take the time to rest your mind instead of using the "escape hatch".  Removing excessive stimulus from your working environment can help you focus better and get more done in less time.

A trick I have used for simplifying my life and environment in a visual way is to have a box or bag to use in eliminating excess objects.  I choose a number (for me, it's an odd number), and tell myself to put that many things in the "remove" area that day.  Before long I have far more things to let go of than I expected.  These can be little things, like pens that don't work, and the like, or larger ones (want to tackle the stack of books?).  Things I am not sure about go in a different area and are reviewed later.  It's easier to find things, and more pleasing to my mind when I see a few open spaces here and there.

The feeling of freedome that comes from allowing things to leave the house is enormous.  Now take that same principle and apply it to your work process, your media engagement, even your social calendar.

Lots more freedom will appear for you when you take little steps each day.  Then you will be able to feel as one with the larger pattern, and see, feel, enjoy the joyous simplicity that takes form in so many ways.

Get out in the wild and learn more about ways to get simple.

Big Sur Retreat Camp is here to help you enjoy the outdoors in comfort and style.  You can have a life-changing experience by enjoying simple peace and freedom.

Visit to learn more about ways to experience the great teachings of nature.

I'd love to help you plan the ideal retreat for your needs. will help us get started.  

All the best,