Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Way Life Fits Together

Each moment in life has a meaning and a feeling of its own.  Think of how your experiences flow from one to another, forming a pattern.  They fit into your life like pieces of a puzzle, challenging you to make the most of them.  The way you percieve your experience in this moment is the doorway to what the next moment can hold.  Are you making the most of who you are, becoming the best version of yourself?  What do you want more of in your life, and what would you like to transform into something better?
Contact me at
Get in touch with Betty 
and let's see what steps you can take right now to get more out of your life.

Who can  you help by becoming stronger, more vital, and gaining a deeper appreciation of who you are and who you can become?  Will you inspire others to do the same? We are all related, and there is always a way to make things better.

Take a little time today to connect with nature and feel yourself as part of the larger realities of life.  There's an infinite number of connections waiting for your unique perceptions to build on them.

Step into your purpose!

About Betty:
I have spent over forty years in the back country of Big Sur, gathering experience to share with you.
My service orientation drives my successful food distribution business, and is key in the high quality of my fashion items, known for their originality and quality.  

During my time in big Sur, I have served on various boards and community organizations for many years, including the school board that established an independent school district in this area.  Currently, I serve on the Executive Committee of the Planning Process for the California Coastal Trail, Big Sur section.  In June of 2015 I joined the Big Sur Multi Agency Advisory Council as local representative.  As the founder of Monterey Area Writers, Photographers and Artists Meetup, I work to bring new opportunities to creative people in the area.

I am a member of the Professional Women's Network of Monterey, and a VIP member of the National Association of Professional Women. My business is honored by the Better Business Bureau, with a rating of A+.  I am listed in the registry of Continental Who's Who.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

What's Really Important Here?

How can you tell what's important and what is not?  
All day and night there are signals coming in to demand attention, things to notice, and decide what action is needed. 
 It could be a family situation, something at work that needs to be handled, or your own feelings and thoughts ...or all of the above, at once.  Want to talk about it?

Meet me at  
 Act III: Charting Your Life Purpose
for a free strategy session.  I'll share resources to help you get int touch with your direction in new ways.

Ask yourself what purpose is being served by each of the signals, and they will become easier to decipher and prioritize.  Are you being asked to be in a role that is out of touch with your values, in order to make things work for someone else?  How much value does that add to your life and that of those you care about?

You are the one who will make the priorities that shape your life and relationships.  When you are clear within yourself about your values, you can see that the urgency that is often projected about small things is an energy drain. It keeps real solutions from being generated and obscures the light of inspiration from reaching you.  Life does contain truly urgent situations, but they are relatively few.  You, and those around you, will be better served by taking the larger view of matters, not letting yourself be distracted by things that don't contribute energy.  How important will the situation you see today be in five years?

What is your purpose in doing what you are doing today?  Is there one thing you can change about your situation, even in a small way, that will make more room for the things you really care about?  Make that little change, and see what opens up for you. 
Make room for yourself...

Talk it over!

Visit for more information about coaching, books, retreats, communities.
Contact me at  Take the time for a free consultation to find resources to support your growth and discover a deeper vision for your life.

Or call me at (831) 667-2314.  I’d love to support your growth.  Have a great day!
Best regards,
