Saturday, May 20, 2017

Hold Onto Your Hat!

There is no limit to the number of colors that Nature has to offer!  And here, above, is a small sample of what the artists have chosen to display while expressing exuberance, such as that of this season.

The above display was put together by Kaffe Fassett, world renowned color expert, for the spring season last year,.  When I found it, it reminded me of the old saying that "Hope springs eternal in the human breast!"   It was a great honor to have my hats chosen as the middle of the display.  I take color to be a reflection of the deep wealth of the soul.  When I make something for others to enjoy, it's a personal thing.  The head is the most sacred part of the body.  I am deeply aware that the hats I make cover the heads of people who are thoughtful, and creative.  When someone purchases something I have made, it is a gift for both of us.

Spring is off to a roaring start!  Big Sur is coming into a time of blossom, of green shoots, of bird son, of frog song.  Deer are everywhere. 

As a working artist, I know how important it is to nourish the contemplation and reflection that support true creativity.   My work as a hostess is an extension of interpersonal expression that is the underlying force of true art.

Do you want to get out into the country and nourish your creative spirit?  Does taking a few days outside your usual life sound like something that would serve you and your  creativity?  I welcome you to visit this beautiful location in the mountains, and I will offer you the kind of support you want, to help you gain the relaxation that will feed your spirit.

Get in touch with me about how you can step into the spectacular beauty of the mountains in a comfortable way, with studio space and privacy.  There's a time and a place for everything.  Make this YOUR time.  Make time for yourself.  Step away from the idea that "ordinary" even exists.  Re-connect with your own deepest force, and find the inspiration that is waiting for you.  Listen to the voices of the forest.

Hit the link below to talk with me about what I can offer you.

Let's design a retreat for your special energy.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Rolling in Clover

Ahh, spring!  At last, the days are getting longer, the frogs are singing their songs in the evening.  The first sprouts bring hope, inspiration, and show the power of hope and perseverance.  This was the most rain I have seen for many years, here on the mountain.  Located in the bowl of Mill Creek, this land gets the benefit of shelter from Cone Peak, which translates into clouds bouncing back to return with more rain, rather than blowing over the edge of the Santa Lucias.  We got plenty of moisture, the trees and grasses are overjoyed.

The growth continues....the grasses get taller.  Before more than three weeks have passed, the paths fill up with vegetation and the simple act of crossing the front yard becomes a feat of picking a path through waist-high grasses!  The photo above shows the wisteria which is just now showering lavender and white, poised above the cerinthe, with its dark purple  Cerinthe came up thickly this year and presents a great contrast to the call lilies in the back.  This is a small sample of the jungle that I call my yard.
Fortunately, I am blessed with having my pathways weed-whacked so that I can see the beauty of the fruit trees and of the land itself, sculpted out of the huge mass of growth. 

It makes a great metaphor for creativity.  Life is like a garden, with new things coming forth every day to be seen and noticed.
So many ideas, and where does the energy to fulfill them come from?  How can you tell when something is really a great idea, and when it needs to be cut down so that you can see what is really all around you? 

What would it be like to KNOW what ideas really are in line with your own best self, what you REALLY want?  
And to take action on them, with support that helps you stay on track? 

Click on the link above and schedule a complimentary session to find out how I can support you and your creative process.