Sunday, November 30, 2014

Now You See It, Now You don't

Have you ever felt like you were chasing a will'o'the-wisp?

That elusive light in the twilight that is said to hover over wetlands in the evening?  It moves around and changes color, much as meteors do.

It's like that when you are tuned in for inspiration.  It may or may not be visible at any given moment.

Perhaps a distant melody on the breeze, or a color that lights up something in your emotions, the changing nature of inspiration is mysterious and wonderful.  Even when the voices are silent and there is only a dark night, the memory of an inspired moment can make the day go more smoothly, ease the feelings, and make it easier to see the beauty of life.

It's really a matter of showing up, and waiting carefully with the respect and devotion that the Spirit deserves.  In its own good time the answer to your question will come, the light will break forth, and you will know.

May you feel inspired and nourished by the Spirit today, and always.
Visit to learn more about ways to experience the great teachings of nature.

I'd love to help you plan the ideal retreat for your needs. will help us get started.  

All the best,

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