Sunday, December 28, 2014

What Does the Puzzle Look Like?

The wilderness where I live presents a continual challenge for a human.  Daily illustrations occur of how small a thing is a person.  Reliance on simplicity and grace is a must, in order to understand what my place is within the vast expanse of un-tamable nature that surrounds me.

I see life in this environment as being like living in a puzzle.  I'm one of the pieces, and so the question is, what does the puzzle look like?  Do you get questions like this coming to you?  What kind of puzzle is your life?  What's the pattern that you sense as you look for ways to put the pieces together?

Here in the forest, it looks like this: the many forces and the many shapes of nature each move through me in different ways, as I also move through them.  They shape my life in ways that are mysterious and wonderful.  Listening to the message of nature gives me a slight clue as to what the puzzle is about.

In any puzzle, the cmplete whole is more than the sum of its pieces.  Tere's someting that is being shown that is invisible to the observer during the process.
The tiny puzzle piece does not see the pretty picture of the completed puzzle.  But I know that it's there.  And you are part of it, too.

Visit to learn more about ways to experience the great teachings of nature.

I'd love to help you plan the ideal retreat for your needs. will help us get started.  

All the best,

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Cone Peak

Here is the view of the northern mountains, including Cone Peak, from the camp area.  The peak on the right is Cone Peak, and the one on the left is locally named Twin Peak, since it is the companion of the large mountain which dominates the view and the climate of the area, Cone Peak.
In the front of the picture is a madrone tree, with berries showing in orange.  A large oak is to the left, and a pine stands directly in front of Cone Peak, which is an inactive volcano.
Storms that come in from the Pacific are usually deflected by the large mass of the mountain and so they cycle through this area of the coast creating greater rainfall than in other areas.   
Cone Peak has been an area of pilgrimage since time immemorial and continues to draw many hikers and visitors from all over.  The entrance to the road and trail up the peak is at the summit of Nacimiento Road.  From that intersection, it's seven miles to the Heart of the Wild camp.  Mountain biking and hiking are popular ways to see the countryside.

Visit to learn more about ways to experience the great teachings of nature.

I'd love to help you plan the ideal retreat for your needs. will help us get started.  

All the best,

Transition, Change, Decision?

“If thou hast well begun, go on.  It is the end that crowns, not the fight”….Herrick

Here you see the little castle that I made for myself to celebrate Mother's Day, sitting in my office window to remind me of the great power of imagination.

Each time I see it I smile inside, as I see visibly the power of self-nurturing.

I was in the midst of a lot of change, and some of it was really hard.  Things were kind of stalled, and my dreams seemed to be very far away.  Was it all about work, and just carrying on?  Where's the victory, here?  That sort of feeling was just dogging me, and it was time for a positive move of some sort.

I decided not to wait for someone to give me a castle, but to make one for myself, out of leftover  cardboard, paper mache, and various ornaments that didn't quite fit in my design business, but were perfect for expressing the imagination I knew would carry me on to the new places I want to go.

When in a state of transition, it's good to let yourself have a bit of extra space to let your mind fly free and create new possibilities, allowing the nature of reality to shift as you do so.
Do something different that you might not think of as being so practical, but that makes your heart feel glad.  It will draw new forces to you that can nourish you and give you inspiration from simple things.

Getting out of your head and into your heart is the best way to really see what's going on in life.
Notice the beauty in the day, get out into nature, and take some deep breaths.  It's good for you.
 Then, you will find it just a little easier to make the change, find your way through the transition, or make the decision that you need to make.
Best wishes, 


Visit to learn more about ways to experience the great teachings of nature.

I'd love to help you plan the ideal retreat for your needs. will help us get started.  

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Now You See It, Now You don't

Have you ever felt like you were chasing a will'o'the-wisp?

That elusive light in the twilight that is said to hover over wetlands in the evening?  It moves around and changes color, much as meteors do.

It's like that when you are tuned in for inspiration.  It may or may not be visible at any given moment.

Perhaps a distant melody on the breeze, or a color that lights up something in your emotions, the changing nature of inspiration is mysterious and wonderful.  Even when the voices are silent and there is only a dark night, the memory of an inspired moment can make the day go more smoothly, ease the feelings, and make it easier to see the beauty of life.

It's really a matter of showing up, and waiting carefully with the respect and devotion that the Spirit deserves.  In its own good time the answer to your question will come, the light will break forth, and you will know.

May you feel inspired and nourished by the Spirit today, and always.
Visit to learn more about ways to experience the great teachings of nature.

I'd love to help you plan the ideal retreat for your needs. will help us get started.  

All the best,

The guardian oak at the top of the hill

The huge and ancient oak standing above the ridge road which leads to the back country retreat on 44 acres of private property

here in Mill Creek, where I live and work, is a symbol of all that is fantastic and wonderful about the south coast area of Big Sur.

This little-known wonderland is filled with micro-climates and habitats that are unique and vistas of unparallelled splendor.
You can have access to all of this wonderful area and still be comfortable at  
Big Sur Retreat Camp.

Privacy and relaxation in a rural setting will nourish your creative spirits and give you the the opportunity to really get some  great revitalizing energy.
The ranch house is near the campground and your hostess is always available to make things easier.

Modern communications facilities are right at hand, although your cell phones will not work here!  Many people like this.  If you DO need to get in touch, wireless access is right down the hill.

Visit to learn more about ways to experience the great teachings of nature.

I'd love to help you plan the ideal retreat for your needs. will help us get started.  

All the best,

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Grounding That Only Nature Can Give

"Oh, You who make easy what is difficult, make our way to be a garden, for it is to You that we go."...Rumi

When life sends you to so many places each day, with each place having a different set of rules and expectations for you, it can get pretty challenging to figure out just how to respond.

The vast flow of information can leave you feeling as if you are missing something, or you are somehow not able to see how to plow through it all.

That's when it's time to drop everything and let nature be your guide.
Only nature can let you know how to adapt to each and every situation with grace and ease.  Will you stand tall or bend in the wind?  Is this a situation that is best nurtured and given encouragement, or would it be better to prune it off and let fresh growth happen?  Or maybe it's just time to move to a different area of the garden.

If you are able to get out into nature on a regular basis you will find that you feel more grounded, more nourished, and that finding your way through life is a move meaningful experience.  We are meant to be given guidance by natural forces and see the beauty of life reflected through the vast array of forms.

Serenity is right there within you, waiting for you to arrive and feel the grounding that only nature can provide.

Visit to learn more about ways to experience the great teachings of nature.

I'd love to help you plan the ideal retreat for your needs. will help us get started.  

Best Wishes,


Redwood Trees by our hiking trail

These redwood trees are down the hill from the main area, and they show the effects of fire from five years ago.  It's part of the hiking trail, which also goes through madrone trees, pines, oak, and scrub habitat.

2014 will be a great time for retreats, since I will be adding new features for comfort and convenience, including hot showers and ready-to-sleep cabin tents.  

Less time for set-up for those who are coming from out of the area or have a large group, this will make it even better...More fun in the schedule!

This is the only back country retreat in Big Sur that has comfortable facilities.

Visit to learn more about ways to experience the great teachings of nature.

I'd love to help you plan the ideal retreat for your needs. will help us get started.  

All the best,

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Simplicity and Freedom

The simple thing is the good thing.
Life is most enjoyable in moments when simplicity is felt within, and there doesn't seem to be too much to do.

How often is it simple?  The truth is that it is always simple, but the human tendency is to create ways to complicate and "fill the space".

Do you ever "hide" from your own world?

Tasks, messages, responsibilities: all a necessary part of being a part of the modern life, these can stack up and create a feeling of being trapped in our own connectedness, the opposite of the natural human desire for company and communication.  At times like that the quality of life seems to diminish.
There are ways to get more simple every day, and create a life that has room for YOU in it.

It takes a bit of time to get simple, but it's worth it since it will save you tons more time.

What are the things you actually need to do?  That make you and your family safe, prosperous, and enjoying your lives?   How can you make these the center and move what is not essential away from you?  Focus on what is essential and remove everything else, and what is there?  Time for you, right?

Is this group of concerns the same as what you are telling yourself you have to do, or is there a big difference?  Are you doing what you WANT to do, or what you think you should want? 

You can take the time to rest your mind instead of using the "escape hatch".  Removing excessive stimulus from your working environment can help you focus better and get more done in less time.

A trick I have used for simplifying my life and environment in a visual way is to have a box or bag to use in eliminating excess objects.  I choose a number (for me, it's an odd number), and tell myself to put that many things in the "remove" area that day.  Before long I have far more things to let go of than I expected.  These can be little things, like pens that don't work, and the like, or larger ones (want to tackle the stack of books?).  Things I am not sure about go in a different area and are reviewed later.  It's easier to find things, and more pleasing to my mind when I see a few open spaces here and there.

The feeling of freedome that comes from allowing things to leave the house is enormous.  Now take that same principle and apply it to your work process, your media engagement, even your social calendar.

Lots more freedom will appear for you when you take little steps each day.  Then you will be able to feel as one with the larger pattern, and see, feel, enjoy the joyous simplicity that takes form in so many ways.

Get out in the wild and learn more about ways to get simple.

Big Sur Retreat Camp is here to help you enjoy the outdoors in comfort and style.  You can have a life-changing experience by enjoying simple peace and freedom.

Visit to learn more about ways to experience the great teachings of nature.

I'd love to help you plan the ideal retreat for your needs. will help us get started.  

All the best,

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Your Own Deepest Knowing

Do you have a strong connection to your Spirit?  Is your spiritual nature guiding your life, or is it something that you relate to as being a place to visit?YOU can find a deeper meaning for everything in life by giving your spirit the authority to be the director.  Rather than having spirit being a passenger, if your spirit is the driver, you will have a more rewarding destination. 

Your own deepest knowing is right there waiting for you to connect to it and allow it to show you how much your life can be enriched through taking "the road less traveled."  Yet, you need to make room for it to express, grow and give you the information that is so valuable to you.  
Taking the time to get deep into a spiritual orientation takes commitment, and it takes time. 

The forest is a place that has plenty of time.  All around are magnificent beings who have stood in one place their whole lives, and who have much wisdom to share by their examples.  Each one has adapted to the conditions of its particular position in a unique way, expressing relationship with the elements and growing with what it has as raw materials.  Think about how their relationship with time has so much to tell us.  They aren't rushing off to do something!

The wild environment is one of plenty of time to do what needs to be done.  Animals do not hurry, either.  The water flows quite naturally down the hill, the clouds pass by in their own patterns, the breeze gently speaks, or perhaps the vigorous wind roars.  Each one of these is a deep expression of a higher spiritual truth, and you have a place within that truth.  How easy it is to forget that in the modern way of thought and of life!

It's well known that stress and excessive activity is counter-productive to a healthy way of life.  People who take the time for spiritual thinking and practices, who connect with their own spiritual energy, report experiencing less stress, and have a way of getting more done, too.  Without being distracted by things that shout for attention but have little true meaning, your spiritual self can grow and become stronger. 

Deeper breathing, slower walking, quieter and gentler speech, all contribute to a connection that will nourish you and take care of you.  After all, it IS the real you that you are connecting with!  And that real you has a lot to offer the larger world, as you get closer to realizing what your true potential can be when you step into your spirit and allow it to tell you what you need to know.

Here in Big Sur, you can unfold in a natural environment that will nourish you as you connect with your own deepest knowing.

Come and visit!

Three ways to visit me:  My web site, where you will find information and updates about events and my work,, a shop to showcase and sell examples of my art and fashion designs,, a checklist about camping retreats, to let you know what is here, and let me know what you would like to have, and to do, in Big Sur!  Fun, quick, instant feedback!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

What Does "It" Look Like From Here?

Getting out of your usual frame of mind is important so that you can get better ideas about what is really going on in your life.  

 Almost everyone has too much
information flowing through the mind, and stepping away from your usual life for a short period of time can help you to re-connect with your deepest feelings, giving you fresh perspectives that can help you to make your life better. 

Listening to the voices of nature and learning from the people who have gone before gives you a connectedness and deepens your understanding. 

Listening to your group and sharing your stories gives your relationship new meaning, and gives you insights you can use in every setting.  As Einstein said, you can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it.  You will find that your mind just happens to change a lot when you are out of your usual frame of reference and relaxing. 

Things just unfold in ways that are very simple, and complexities are easier to see when taken out of their original context.  So change your mind and get it out of the cage, into nature, and let your spirit soar!  Change your mind, and change your life!

It's the slowing down that brings you a breath of fresh air, literally.  It's the reconnecting with the people you care about, doing simple things together so you get to know one another in a new way, deepening and strengthening your relationships.

When you share the memories of a lifetime you will always be so glad.

Getting out in the woods means that life becomes very basic again.  The feeling of nature surrounding you as you enjoy not being on call is so invigorating. 

For years, I have held needlework retreats twice or more a year, since I am a life-long needlewoman, and I love hanging out with other knitters and crocheters, spinners or what have you.  Over the course of a couple of days sitting around talking, we have drilled down into some pretty deep issues! 

Topics of conversation run the gamut of every possible thing that comes up in life, from relationships to jobs, family, personal issues of any type.  In the course of this, a kind of consensus arises about what's truly important, and what I call a mental product is produced, that is a tangible change in the way things actually feel.  It's amazing to take part in this process, and to learn from it.  Some of the best insights ever have come from this very simple thing of just sitting and talking, and people always say they feel so much better after just allowing things to flow through them like this.

Don't worry, I have you covered.  This is not primitive camping!

It IS a very nice camp kitchen, a flushing bathroom with hot water, a pond for swimming.  There is even a stage! You can just walk right into camp and use the huge 19-person tent if you want! 

Don't want to cook over a campfire?  You can use the gas stove, or a hibachi, or I can arrange meals for you, with various options.

I am happy to use my expertise to your advantage.  You can have the fun of camp, without the need to do all the setup and knockdown.  Just walk in and start relaxing!

You will love that your cell phone doesn't ring but you can still get and send text messages.  If you need to use the phone, the nearby ranch house has a phone line.  But you might want to take the opportunity to be a little less available to the outside world, and more available to yourself.

Decide that you are worth it, and make getting to know your own mind and spirit your highest priority.

 Welcome video on YouTube

Come and visit!

Three ways to visit me:  My web site, where you will find information and updates about events and my work,, a shop to showcase and sell examples of my art and fashion designs,, a checklist about camping retreats, to let you know what is here, and let me know what you would like to have, and to do, in Big Sur!  Fun, quick, instant feedback!

Hope to see you soon, 


Sunday, September 21, 2014

Secrets to Getting to Know One Another

At left is the view of the pond in early spring, with the wild lilac blooming.  It shows the reflection of the trees above it with the blue of the sky echoing the blue of the flowering tree.

It's an image of relatedness that give hints of how getting to know one another is like looking at a reflection.

The other person reflects back to you and gives you hints as to what's similar, what is different, from one to another.

Sometimes we prefer to be with those who are most like us, creating a small world with a language of its own.  That's a way to reinforce the values we find to be most important.  At the same time, of course important differences arise, such as the contrast between colors here illustrates.  Without the green, the blue would not stand out, and without the lighter color of the plants along the shore, the sight would have not indication that there are two parts to the picture.

There's a unity, and a difference.  That's what makes it good to communicate.  Your friend or associate says, "Yes that is true, and also have you considered this?" And so you grow and learn together.

Nature is always giving silent messages of this type. 
The plants and natural features of the landscape cooperate to form the views we see, using contrast and counterpoint to show us harmonies and similarities.  the exchange of information completes the picture, and life continues.

Welcome video on YouTube

Come and visit!

Three ways to visit me:  My web site, where you will find information and updates about events and my work,, a shop to showcase and sell examples of my art and fashion designs,, a checklist about camping retreats, to let you know what is here, and let me know what you would like to have, and to do, in Big Sur!  Fun, quick, instant feedback!

Hope to see you soon!


Sunday, September 7, 2014

How to Refresh Your Group Energy

There is nothing like getting into a new setting to refresh you and your group, allowing you to relax and get a fresh idea of what is going on for you.

Getting into a place that is not at all like your usual way of life can help you to drill down and find out what
makes you tick, as an individual and as a group.

At left is the tiny tea set that serves to remind me that it's all in how you look at it.

It gives me a quiet feeling of delight each time I see it, and I feel a sense of play that makes it easier to do my work in a light frame of mind.  I can imagine the gathering of friends who share the refreshment and then  move on into the daily activities.

Here in Big Sur, you can have an experience unlike any other.  Off the beaten track and the overcrowding of the highway, your way of being can open up, allowing you to repurpose your experiences and get away from mundane ideas.

You can transform your daily rituals and your interactions with the others in your group as you share the simple things of camp life.  Meanwhile, you can be comfortable, too.  Enjoy a hot shower and step into camp again!  It's a great way to refresh, and still be out in nature.
Coffee early in the morning, while watching the sun rise over the mountains, is a special treat.
Eating on picnic tables with all the goodies spread out and seeing the faces of those who are here to share with you makes your heart glad.

There are plenty of great ways to make your meals an experience that brings out the essentials of communication while leaving out anything that isn't really serving you.  You can bring your own meals and use the preparation and cooking facilities here, or you can have meals prepared for you, with the menu that suits you best.

After the day is done, relax under the stars and feel the fresh air.  Perhaps a breeze is blowing up from the coast, or over the mountains to the east.  Listen to the soft sigh of the trees, hear the sounds of birds.

Get in touch with me to plan an experience for your group that will stand out from anyting else you have ever done.  I'd love to put together something for you!

Welcome video on YouTube

Come and visit!

Three ways to visit me:  My web site, where you will find information and updates about events and my work,, a shop to showcase and sell examples of my art and fashion designs,, a checklist about camping retreats, to let you know what is here, and let me know what you would like to have, and to do, in Big Sur!  Fun, quick, instant feedback!

 Hope to see you soon!


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Time in the Outdoors with Your Family

Camp is ready to walk right in!
Cooperating to create meals and activities, spending a bit of time of talking to one another, allows family members to get focused on their feelings toward one another and to take time to understand how the other people feel.   

The simple rituals of camp are great reference points for life.
What are the basics?
Food, clothing, shelter, communication, relaxation, these are the basics of life.
There is time for all of these in camp, without rushing off to find the next thing to distract you.

When was the last time you and your family spent a few days together?  For many families, it’s almost unheard of to do just that.  Yet the family is the most basic point of reference for us as people, and to build a strong foundation will pay off in the long run, as you find out who you are together, paying attention to each other, and to the relaxing feeling that you don’t have to be so complicated.

Life rushes by at a furious pace, with far too much information flooding our senses and insisting that we pay attention to this, or that, it’s so urgent.
But it isn’t really so important, just urgent.
Teaching your children to focus on what is important first will help them to be far more successful as people.  Getting out of the usual routine into a more basic frame of reference will give them invaluable new ways to look at and process information.

You can create memories together that will last all your lives, and the fine times you had in camp will be among the best times ever.
When kids see how basic things can really be, they get happy about it. 

Letting themselves relax a bit more and get into just hanging out just comes naturally to them, and they open up their personalities more to drink in the simple enjoyment that they feel.

The parents, meanwhile, have a chance to compare notes on life and parenting, and give one another support.  It builds strong friendships.  Everything about family life is made better by sharing time in the outdoors.

Come and visit!
                                  Here's the welcome video:

Three ways to visit me:  My web site, where you will find 

information and updates about events and my work,, a shop to showcase and sell 

examples of my art and fashion designs,

a checklist about camping retreats, to let you know what is here, and let me know what you would like to have, and to do, in Big Sur!  Fun, quick, instant feedback!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Big Sur Night Skies in Mill Creek

 Big Sur night skies are filled with splendor.

The moon rising over Chalk Peak is a special treat.  Once a year the top of the hill is it by the large circle of moonlight that seems to roll off the summit, then leap into the sky.
The color changes from silver to white, sometimes with a hint of gold just before making the leap.

The whole forest is lit up by the full moon, and shadows are cast as though it were dawn.  Mysterious shapes appear and blend into one another as the moon continues to rise.

The forest seems to be motionless, yet the constant change in the display of light gives a feeling of motion to the scene.  The sounds of night birds add to the feeling of wildness.
Owls and turkeys sound off.  Perhaps there is a cry from a night hawk. 
You may hear coyotes or wild cats calling out in their mating rituals.  All of natures is feeding on the darkness, and either resting, seeking, or hunting.

At times like this the stars are less visible than when the moon is smaller, yet there are still great numbers of them and the many constellations can be picked out as the night progresses.  The Milky Way crosses the entire sky.

Because of the way the bowl of the canyon is shaped, each month the moon moves quite a distance to the observer.  The progression from North to south is so great that half of the canyon is encompassed by this movement.

On a moonless night, tiny stars which are never seen in more urban environments become visible.
they are so numberous that sections of the sky are lit by groups of stars and nebulae, adding a depth of field to the sight and filling the observor with a sense of awe and wonder.  Think of the distance those beams of light have come to be seen!

Planets stand out clearly in the display with their bright light and you can observe their colors.  With a telescope, the moons of Jupiter and even the rings of Saturn can be seen.

Throughout the year, meteor showers have their special times to light up the sky with colorful surprises.  During a really busy shower, lights appear every few seconds coming from all directions, in all colors.  The occasional huge metor crosses the sky and at times you can even hear these missiles hissing as they pass close by, evaporating in spectacular bursts of beauty.

Cosmic rocks landing here in the canyon, after their long journeys from space, create a fast-paced and deep level of interaction with the energy of the night sky.  From one moment to the next, the unexpected appears.

Come and visit!

Stop by on Youtube:

Three ways to visit me:, a checklist about camping retreats, to let you know what is here, and let me know what you would like to have, and to do, in Big Sur!  Fun, quick, instant feedback!  My web site, where you will find information and updates about events and my work,, a shop to showcase and sell examples of my art and fashion designs,

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Family Camping Is the Bst time Ever!

Family camping is one of the best ways to bring your family together. 
Family camp is the experience that will bring awesome memories and pictures that will make you smile for decades.  

 What are some of the family stories that you like to tell again and again?  Are they around family vacations you have had?

 When you are out in nature, with the most basic style, you are able to see one another in a new way.
The simple rituals of camp are great reference points for life.

Food, clothing, shelter, communication, relaxation, these are the basics of life.  Smiles, free time, fresh air, sunshine, stars in the sky, trees, birds.  

These are the cherry on top that so enhance your experience of life.
You will love having those here.
There is time for all of these in camp, without rushing off to find the next thing to distract you.

When my grandchildren come to the land that my sons grew up on, they are overjoyed.  Their dads live and work in town, and they have those same types of limitations. Suddenly, they are able to see vast areas of open country, to move around as freely as they want!  And there is plenty of fun stuff to do.  Small pleasures go a long way.
We spend time around the camp fire, going into the house as little as possible, and they eat like warriors.  Running around and playing, walking up and down hills, making up stories instead of watching videos, they are having a great time.  And their parents are, too.  By the time the few days we have together are over, everyone has gotten a recharge and ready to get going on the next thing life has to offer.
It just all looks new again.

Other children come and visit for some of these family visits, too.  It’s so great to watch a pack of kids finding a lizard!  They all naturally form into a relationship structure that makes sense for them, sharing and talking to one another about what’s important to THEM.
The adventure unfolds and they make up new ideas as they go along.

The parents and grandparents, meanwhile, have a chance to compare notes on life and parenting, and give one another support.  It builds strong friendships.
Being in Big Sur together as an annual adventure while the children are growing up strengthens relationships between family members in every way.

How would you like to have great camping stories that don’t involve work and disasters that you might have when you set out on your own? That only involve sitting back and relaxing in nature while others take care of the hard work part?

Get in touch with me to plan a trip that your family will always remember with such joy.
Don't worry, it's not going to be a hassle.
It's all set up, and there is nothing I love more than watching a family get happy in nature.

Come and visit!

Three ways to visit me:  My web site, where you will find information and updates about events and my work,, a shop to showcase and sell examples of my art and fashion designs,, a checklist about camping retreats, to let you know what is here, and let me know what you would like to have, and to do, in Big Sur!  Fun, quick, instant feedback!



Sunday, July 13, 2014

Big Sur Wild Forage Foods in Mill Creek

Here in Mill Creek there are an abundance of plants which can be harvested at various times of the year for food and medicine.

The ferns in this drawing are bracken ferns, which grow to  large size.  They are shown in the fiddle-head stage of early spring, as they are forming little curls that can be harvested and eaten.  In earlier times people picked these and processed them by leaching them in wood ash to be used as early spring vegetables.

At the same time of the year, small greens pop out in abundant patches in places where there is shade and moisture.  They are a fine pantry of nourishment with high vitamin content. 

Shooting starts make clusters of tiny rounded leaves, low under their purple, yellow and black flowers.

Miner's lettuces have heart-shaped leaves and stems, resembling spinach in color and flavor.  Wild roses have bloomed and set rose hips, glowing orange in the forest when they are ripe.  In some places, wild watercress grows.

Alpine strawberries form mats of miniature leaves and make tiny berries that have an exquisite taste.
And there are vast numbers of acorns.  The early settlers would have learned how to use them in the same way the Native Americans had before them, leaching them in creeks before roasting and grinding them for flour used in soups.

Madrone and manzanita berries are edible and high in vitamin C. They follow the lovely cream-colored flowers with red and orange hues.

Many types of wild herbs grow here.

Plantain, mother of herbs, serves as both food and medicine.  The flowers were gathered for flour and can also be eaten raw. 

Herba Santa, with its pretty purple flowers, is strong against infection.  It has dark green foliage with leatry texture and serrated edges.  Steeped in hot water with honey, it is used as cough syrup.

Herba Pasma, having needle-like leaves and blooming in light yellow, thrives in areas that have been burned.  A tea made of it is delicious and nourishing.  Many people have used it as a remedy for clearing the blood or as a poutice on wounds, to good effect.

Vervain grows, known for its cosmetic uses.  It has long branches of dusty lavender color, growing low in a spreading habit.

Wild rosemary and mountain sage are here, feeding the bees and the hummingbirds.

Mushrooms including chanterelles grow in quiet dells in years when rainfall is abundant.  Boleta mushrooms also appear, and chicken of the woods with its bright colors pops out of the sides of oak trees.

Native American people harvested grasshoppers in summer and brought shellfish to the mountains for feasting as well.  They camped here a lot during acorn season to gather the rich source of protein, and to hunt.

Game teems through the watershed, including deer, pigeons, quail, and squirrels.  Those who lived off the land would have a lot of work, but sure ate well.  Of course these wild foods were supplemented with those grown and domesticated.  Yet the bounty of nature would sustain those who were able to persevere.

Come and visit!


Three ways to visit me:  My web site, where you will find information and updates about events and my work,, a shop to showcase and sell examples of my art and fashion designs,, a checklist about camping retreats, to let you know what is here, and let me know what you would like to have, and to do, in Big Sur!  Fun, quick, instant feedback!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Singing Out Loud

This is Cone Peak, the largest mountain in the area, and which dominates the weather conditions of the region.  Storms which come in from the sea are captured by Cone Peak and cycled back into Mill Creek, causing the climate to much wetter than that of neighboring canyons.

The huge hills in the front of the photo are the northern slopes of Mill Creek, where Nacimiento Road crosses the mountains from the coast and meets up with Jolon-Bradley road far to the east.

This whole area has such great acoustics!  You can hear your own voice echoing back from far away and at times the air is so still that a conversation miles away can be clearly heard.  You may hear the honk of the USFS patrol, or the distant roar of a motorcylce on Highway 1, miles to the west.

Songs of birds in the spring are so numberous and so loud that you will be awakened at first light by a rich tapestry of sound.  this canyon is a junction of the northern and southern migration routes for birds, and a favorite breeding ground for a very large number of species.

So, go ahead and belt it out!  It's a wonderful feeling to just let your own voice get large and come back to you.  Some of the echoes are multiple, and there is a resonance that can hardly be described.
all forms of music are well rounded by the surrounding vegetation.  Nature is full of sound, frogs at night, crickets in the twilight.  Nature expresses herself, and we are part of nature.

Singing is Being!

Come and visit!

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Three ways to visit me:  My web site, where you will find information and updates about events and my work,, a shop to showcase and sell examples of my art and fashion designs,, a checklist about camping retreats, to let you know what is here, and let me know what you would like to have, and to do, in Big Sur!  Fun, quick, instant feedback!