Saturday, January 7, 2017

Old Wood and New Fruit

These pears are an example of what happens when everything goes right in the orchard.  Full of juice, smooth of skin, and tasty, they are the result of a happy tree.

To have fruit like this as the result of the season, certain things need to happen. There must be good rain in the winter, and during the dormant season, the tree must be nurtured and given direction.  Old wood needs to be removed so that new and vigorous growth can take place.  New buds are forming, and the energy of the tree is needed to support strong and healthy tissues.

The soil needs to be cultivated and given key minerals.  
A mysterious process of growth begins as soon as the old leaves begin to fall.  The bark of the tree takes on a different color while it is growing the new cells and shedding the old layers to allow for  growth.  A beautiful light green, it has a quality of seeming to be lit from within, showing the vigor of the tree, concealed by the seeming barrenness.

The same kind of process is taking place in human life, although it looks different.  During the winter, evaluating, planning, and enjoying what has been gained in the last season.  The rest of this season gives energy for the hopes and aspirations for the new season ahead, when nature will once again amaze us with her many gifts.  

It's a time of using up what has been set aside, for removing what no longer serves.  It's a time to notice every little thing that is good, as we make the efforts to keep ourselves comfortable.  Staying warm, staying dry, staying fed, these basic needs have much to teach us.

And, it's a time for looking ahead, setting goals and holding up to promises.  In this coming year, I promise to bring as much value as I can to the world, serving the creative spirit.  I am here in support of you, my reader.   Thank you so much for being part of my world.

As I recognize the power of change, and the power of language to create connection and change, I renew my commitment to women who want to make a difference in the world.  Do you have a project or an idea that you want to launch?

                What is it?  Let's talk. 

May your 2017 be filled with meaningful interaction, quiet joys, and rich fruits of the spirit.


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