Think of the tenacity it shows, hanging on through everything so that it can do THIS.
As spring is bounding to life, the animals in the forest are coming out of hiding and making themselves seen or heard. In the very early mornings, the songs of birds are deafening in their variety and enthusiasm. There is so much to eat around here that the quail actually waddle like ducks.
It's a time of hope, of new beginnings. For me, it's a time of much travel, as the closure of Highway 1 means that I now travel many more miles each week on my way to and from Monterey. Once the highway opens, there will be even more driving! I'll be going up as far as the place where the bridge used to be, making deliveries, and turning around. And then, also driving out to go to Monterey. How is this going to be possible?
I miss the drive along the coast, and my friends, during this time. It's a challenge to see new ways of doing things, find new projects, new relationships. All in all, I do find that my creativity is being stimulated to a terrific degree as I make my way through the uneven terrain of this moment. I feel very much reduced in size by the actions of Nature, and humbled by the grace that has sustained me, the kind thoughts and words and deeds of friends. I feel that the vastness of what we are experiencing at this time is too much to put into words.
Nevertheless, I am doing my best to do that. I know that I am meant to write about the unexpected, and its gifts to us. This blog is one place to do that. As spring opens up the channels and releases the floodgates of abundance that we see in each blossom, strategies to fit writing a new book into my life are also appearing.
I know some of the things I will do. And I know that I will think of others as I go along. This one thing is for sure:
I am not going to "find the time".
That doesn't happen.
I am going to Make the Time.
Running several businesses, raising a ranch, taking care of my family when they were kids...I learned how to do it.
Let's talk about it!
Click on the link above to schedule a complimentary talk about how to create time.
Enjoy your day!