Sunday, March 16, 2014

Quiet Joy to Keep With You

Bamboo is one of the strongest symbols of inner peace. 
It has a quiet nature of simplicity that shows us the value of tenacity.

Light and resilient, it bends in the wind, and has a tensile strength greater than that of steel.

In the Far East, bamboo is revered as a building material, and multistory scaffolding is built of it rather than of steel.
Ten stories or more in height, the lashed structures will hold workers who are doing repairs on very large buildings whether new or of great age.
Large buildings are made of timber bamboo pegged and lashed together.  they are strong and withstand the elements for long periods of time.

This small stand of yellow-stemmed bamboo has a space inside it, since it grows outward in concentric rings.  Over the years the quiet space has been a fort and refuge for children and a tiny palace of the imagination.  It holds about four or five children at a time.

"The heart that is to be filled to the brim with joy must be held perfectly still."....Bovee

Taking the time to create that quiet space within so that you can notice the joy that is always there will bring you greater resilience and allow you to be at peace with whatever life brings to you.

It will allow you to prevail, also.  The ancient law of charioteers is,
"When the still heart is firm, fresh energy is victorious."

May you have both peace and victory today, and carry that quiet joy with you always.

Come and visit!

Three ways to visit me:  My web site, where you will find information and updates about events and my work,, a shop to showcase and sell examples of my art and fashion designs,, a checklist about camping retreats, to let you know what is here, and let me know what you would like to have, and to do, in Big Sur!  Fun, quick, instant feedback!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

How to Enjoy Getting Simple in Big Sur

How to Enjoy Getting Simple

"Of all things, simplicity is the most difficult to be copied."---Sir Richard Steele

Heading out for a walk on the trail, one finds a vista like this one near the road entering the property.  Oaks and maples have a thick covering of moss, and the smell of pines, just behind you, fills your lungs with the fresh feeling of health and vitality.
How to Enjoy Getting Simple in Big Sur

Waking up in the southern mountains of Big Sur is always a delight.  Songs of birds and the lovely chirps of small creatures add just the right sounds to your mornings as you hear only the sounds of the hills.  You may very well see various types of wildlife on your way through the woods.

Outside concerns just fade into the distance as you breathe fresh air and see the display of nature's glory.  You feel that you are a samll part of the greater picture, and this is so refreshing.  New insights and ways to find peace of mind are right there waiting to speak to you, and you have the tme and place to hear the messages.

It is easy to see how simple life really is without the distractions of too much information of too fast a lifestyle.  Give yourself the chance to really relax in nature and set your spirits free by coming to this delightful refuge.  Visit the south coast and find the hidden world of the back country.

Come and visit!

Three ways to visit me:  My web site, where you will find information and updates about events and my work,, a shop to showcase and sell examples of my art and fashion designs,, a checklist about camping retreats, to let you know what is here, and let me know what you would like to have, and to do, in Big Sur!  Fun, quick, instant feedback!

Try this fun and easy checklist to learn more, and let me know about what you would enjoy.

I will make every effort to ensure you a fantastic experience.