Saturday, February 4, 2017

You're as Big As You Think You Are

This conjunction of the planets took place some time ago, during the summer months when life seems easy and times feel relaxing.

Not like how it feels this winter in the mountains!  

It's good to remember, right about now, that winter doesn't last forever.  There has been more rain here in Big Sur than we have seen for a number of years, and the challenges of mountain life are many.  High winds and massive rainfall have downed trees and closed roads.  There is a need to conserve resources, as conditions feel uncertain.  There is no telling what lies around the corner on that mountain road!  It could be a pile of rocks, or a fallen tree, or a wild animal, or possibly just a stretch of open road, with no drama at all.

When going out, I carry with me what I may need in case the unexpected comes up.  It's a time of recognizing the dominance of Nature and the power of allowing for the unknown.  

The voice of the wind, the chill in the air, all contribute to a mental atmosphere that squeezes the mind and emotions like ripened fruit to reveal the creative force that brought it all into being.  The season calls for writing!  As I contemplate the life of the elements which is so expressive at this season, I wonder how this feeling that winter brings, the feeling of being small, is helping me grow.  

I wonder how I used to do this back in the day when there were not the options to communicate that I have now.  
Surely I am a different person from the one I was during those years.   

Even so, as I look back at things I wrote, things I made, earlier in life, there is a common thread of brightness that runs through all the ways I have expressed my truths.  That is the feeling that I want to grow more of in my life, reaching out into the world, and also taking this time, this sacred season of nourishment and rest, into my soul, letting things become what they are meant to be.  

I am only a small human in a vast wilderness, and yet I have a whole Universe that allows me to see and feel as much of it as I can grasp.  How important it is to grow and to become as much as possible in life.  This gift of life that we have is meant to be shared, cherished, communicated.  So as I am feeling the smallness of being, that is so apparent here in the wild, I feel a hugeness around me that whispers, "Be ready when the moment comes, to arise, to become, and go out to meet the bright place, show it, become it.  Tell others what you feel.  Reach out and find the connections, and grow them."

That's what I call the Voice of the Mountains. You can never be alone.  There is no such thing.  There is a story in each life.
Each moment holds a treasure.  Each person is a unique expression of the great love that we call life.  Your life is a gift.  How will you share it with others?  What is your story?

Are you ready to step out and share your wisdom?  

Hit the link above and schedule a time to talk with me about how I can support you in bringing out your story and making it shine. 

Many blessings!


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