Saturday, March 11, 2017

Turn it Over and See What Comes Up

You know the saying, "leave no stone unturned", don't you?  It's all about looking for the less obvious things in life, like hidden doors to unknown dimensions, or buried treasure. You know they are there, but the exact way to find them is not always so apparent.

The hidden gifts of life are right under our noses!  That huge rock that is right in the middle of the path, the one you have to walk around to get where you are going, is guarding something.  It has a message for you.  
What if everything you ever wanted was right under that rock?

You'd find a way to turn it over, right?  
You'd try ANYthing to move it.  

How would it be if you asked the rock to move, so that you could look under it?  It might work, and then again, it might not.  What else could you do?  Would you go find somebody to help you move the rock?  Would you shrug your shoulders and say "Oh, well, it just wasn't meant to be"?  What about getting a shovel and digging around it, using the leverage you could gain, and gravity?

Or would you find your hidden superpowers (there they are, right in the bottom of my purse, must have ignored them a million times)?

I vote for the superpowers!  

Right now, you have the power to COMMAND that rock to move.  Just for the sake of the vision, let's say you just did that.  What's underneath the rock?  Are you happy that you found all those hidden desires made into realities?  Or, are you saying, "gee, I should have asked for more than that"?

How about going for the biggest dream you can imagine as being something that you not only can accomplish, but that has been waiting for the whole life of the Universe (4.4 billion years) for you to show up and claim it?

Do me a quick favor, since you already have gotten this far.  Write down that dream.  Look at it.  Believe in it.  Breathe life into it.
That's what I ask of you right now.  Believe you are the one that you really are. 

Write down your dream.  
Write out your story.  
Make your move.  
It's not too early, and it's not too late.   
It's time, Now. 

Let's make that more and more real, every day.

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